BMB 07/06 Big Morongo Update
Since the warmer weather arrived and we changed to a 7am start for the bird walks, Big Morongo has been pretty quiet. Of course it was not helped by the departure of the snowbirds, folks moving back to Portland, Seattle or Newport, or simply going to Italy or wherever on extended vacations. The hard core, numbering up to about ten birders, are seeing thirty to forty species in really quite pleasant weather. Today, we had a rare visit from Kurt, who had a hand in finding a similarly rare Ladder-back. We watched a Bell's Vireo bring up her young only to fear that a snake or another interfered before fledging. The Barn Owl we saw for so long, first in the Palm, then latterly in the Pine at the top of the park, alas is no more; once again nature takes it's course! The Cassin's Kingbird is here but the Western appears to be long gone.
The two-mile fence along Indian Avenue, which sealed the bottom of the Canyon Trail, has been removed and there is no obvious signage, but no further information has been forthcoming with regard to the Palmdale development. SB County has approved the installation of 45 X 330 foot high windmills between Miles Avenue on Indian Avenue and SH62.
Several of our stalwarts plan to join San Bernardino Valley Audubon in their 'Insane Jaunt to the Salton Sea' on Sunday August 26, led by John Green and hoping for several exotics, including a Burrowing Owl - really!! They plan to meet at Wister at 5.30am; some plan to drive, some to take advantage of Calipatria hostelries. If you are interested or would like a ride, contact your scribe.
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