Wednesday, August 11, 2004

AV04/26 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 11th August 2004

Eight birders, including Catlady on a welcome, if brief return to the desert had a good morning starting at 7am with a comfortable 75 degrees

We worked through the meadow and park as far as the ball park, which is still very quiet. A fine haul of 38 species impressed us all but a Great Blue Heron? We saw one flying North from the Barn and shortly afterwards a Lazuli Bunting and an Oak Titmouse. Regrettably no Blue Grosebeak which Catlady was hoping to see, and no Chats. We only went as far as the Nature Centre and discussed the Butterfly Garden which has been marked out with chalk.

Dates to Note
Monday 16th August. Top of the Tram, meet at lower tram 9.45am; water and picnic.
Monday 30th August. Big Bear, Car-pool from Big Morongo at 7.30am; water and picnic.
It would be very helpful if I were advised if you hope to join these outings, particularly in the Summer when so many of our folks flee to milder weather, and our numbers are slim.


Barry Parkes