AV04/46 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 27th November 2004
We were eight birders, when we finally assembled, on what was another very fine morning. At the outset the temperature was 41, clear sky, sunny and no wind; this has to be one of the better parts of the year for weather, so long as the occaissional rain and snow can be avoided.
We saw 34 species, including a Brown Creeper, a Yellow-shafted Flicker spotted by Ed and Cindy, Pine Siskins, a Slate-coloured Junco and a Greater Roadrunner (not at all common, despite what the specie list says; we saw it en route to the ball park). Interesting that we saw many Western Bluebirds but no Cedar Waxwings.
Heard that Jeanne Howard took the scenic route to Seattle via Phoenix and checked out Cibola to see the Sandhill Cranes: most impressed! She also found a Gila Woodpecker and Le Conte's and Curved-billed Thrashers in Phoenix.
Good Birding...........bb
Barry Parkes
We saw 34 species, including a Brown Creeper, a Yellow-shafted Flicker spotted by Ed and Cindy, Pine Siskins, a Slate-coloured Junco and a Greater Roadrunner (not at all common, despite what the specie list says; we saw it en route to the ball park). Interesting that we saw many Western Bluebirds but no Cedar Waxwings.
Heard that Jeanne Howard took the scenic route to Seattle via Phoenix and checked out Cibola to see the Sandhill Cranes: most impressed! She also found a Gila Woodpecker and Le Conte's and Curved-billed Thrashers in Phoenix.
Good Birding...........bb
Barry Parkes