Friday, April 21, 2006

BMB06/11 West Fork Loop 21 April 2006

You know by now that your scribe is not given to exaggeration, but it has to be said that the showing of wild flowers on the West Fork trail this morning was really quite remarkable and some said the best ever. The Canyon was good but did not compare with West Fork where the mountainside was, in part, completely covered and is well worth a visit. Of note in the Canyon were striking displays of Canterbury Bells stretching from the Canyon floor almost to the peaks.

We were nine birders with no acknowledged flower experts and spent four and a half very satisfying hours. The birding was good and the Black-chinned Sparrow we rarely see on the Preserve; the Virginia Rail we flushed close to the goldfish pond and the close-up view was very much a treat.

It was interesting to see Gene Cardiff who told us of the arrival of the Chats and Blue Grosbeak, although we did not see them.

The list which follows is courtesy of Margaret and much appreciated.

Big Morongo Canyon Preserve

Bird/Flower Walk to West Fork/Canyon Trails

Friday April 21, 2006

Bird List

Lesser Goldfinch

Pine Siskin

Black-chinned Hummingbird

Anna's Hummingbird

Nuttall's Woodpecker

Yellow Warbler

Bewick's Wren

Black Phoebe

House Finch

Lawrence's Goldfinch

Western Tanager

California Towhee

Spotted Towhee


Hooded Oriole


Common Yellowthroat

Yellow-rumped Warbler

House Wren

Double-crested Cormorant

Black-throated Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Wilson's Warbler


Mountain Quail (heard)

Red-tailed Hawk

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Gambel's Quail

House Wren

Ladder-backed Woodpecker

American Kestrel


Lazuli Bunting

Oak Titmouse


Song Sparrow

Virginia Rail (Seen!!)

Visitor report, on other trails - Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Grosbeak

(Gene Cardiff)

Flower List


White Tidy-tips


Wallace's Wooly Daisy

Notch-leafed Phacelia



Desert Larkspur


Forget-me-not, sp. *

California Evening Primrose

Brown-eyed Primrose


Scale Bud

Gold Poppy, sp *

Eriogonum, sp *

Desert Calico

Purple Mat

Whispering Bells


Sand Blazing Star

Jimson Weed

Broad-flowered Gilia

Silver Puff

Wild Cucumber

Lacy Phacelia

Checker Fiddleneck

Indian Paintbrush

Desert Dandelion

California Buckwheat


Creosote Bush

* One of several closely related species. Exact species not determined.

Nothing scheduled for the moment but we are thinking of a return to Pipe’s Canyon for flowers – and check out the Mountain Quail………….bb

Saturday, April 15, 2006

BMB06/10 Barker Dam Friday 14th April 2006

Twelve Big Morongo Birders had a very pleasant morning Friday at Barker Dam, managing to miss inclement weather which arrived later in the day.

We gave our Mr Smiley and others their first sight of the infamous Disney petrogliphs.

Barker Dam

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Common Raven

Turkey Vulture

White-throated Swift

Scrub Jay


Gambel's Quail

Rock Wren

Brewer's Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Chipping Sparrows

Bewick's Wren

Say's Phoebe

Black-throated Sparrow

House Finch


Barn Swallow

Scott's Oriole

Mourning Dove

Yellow-rumped Warbler




Bullock's Oriole

Tree Swallow


Prairie Falcon


Wilson's Warbler

Costa's Hummingbird

Nashville Warbler

Also seen: Western Fence Lizards,

and blooming Claret Cup, Rock Pea, Amsonia, Nolina, and others.

This morning we were pleased to have a group from Great Outdoors Palm Springs join our regular Bird Walk, more particularly because of the significant work they did at the Preserve on trail restoration following the fire last June. They took a lively interest in our arriving migrants including the Western Tanager, Vermilion Flycatcher, Cassin’s and Western Kingbirds, and in our impressive array of wildflowers. We had good views of nesting hummingbirds and Lawrence’s Goldfinch, and a good view of a Long-eared Owl quite close to the Marsh Trail.

West Fork Loop Friday 21st April 2006

Meet at the Preserve parking lot at 7.30am for the loop, with an extension to the rock pools. The flowers we are told are quite remarkable and it is some time since we checked out the canyon for bird species. Bring plenty of water – the desert is warming up……….bb