Monday, August 30, 2004

AV04/30 Big Bear Lake 30th August 2004

Notwithstanding an early start in the Low- and Hi-Deserts, it was 9am when we started at the Discovery Centre on North Shore Drive. The feeder was very active with all three Nuthatches and many Mountain Chickadees and others. We called at Woodland Trail and the lakeside opposite and found an interesting mix of species, many we certainly do not see at Big Morongo. The low water levels are increasingly obvious and must have brought significant change to bird and animal life - and don't forget that Big Morongo, already at very low levels, relies on Big Bear for it's water supply!

We called briefly at Davidson Drive where Margaret's 'Dozens of Pinyon Jays' failed to appear, and went on to lunch at Aspen Glen followed by a drive up 2N10, but bird life was light in the middle of the day.

Brewer's Blackbird
Pygmy Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Mountain Chickadee
Scrub Jay
House Finch
White Pelican
Stellar's Jay
Wilson's Warbler
Acorn Woodpecker

American Kestrel
Common Raven
Great Blue Heron
Black-necked Stilt
Northern Harrier
Caspian Tern
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Tree Swallow
Western Bluebird
Anna's Hummingbird

We concluded by visiting Wild-Wings, exploring an amazing collection of bird-related merchandise, and talking with Bill Downs. He provided us with useful advice for a future visit - perhaps for his last Bird Walk of the season, Saturday September 11th at 8am.

We have no activities planned at present, other than our regularly scheduled Wednesday walks at 7am, but you might like to check out our web site With invaluable help from Patrick Casey, who manages the Preserve web site, we have cleaned up the specie lists which we often provide, although there is still way to go!


Barry Parkes

Friday, August 27, 2004

AV04/29 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 25th August 2004

Five Big Morongo Birders, including Geralde, back from her Summer sojourn in Europe, gave the Marsh trail a very thorough examination and then moved over to the park. A 7am start and a mild morning led to a very interesting list of 37 species.
Cooper's Hawk
Black-chinned Humbird
Black Phoebe
Western Kingbird
Cactus Wren
Warbling Vireo
Wilsons Warbler
Spotted Towhee
House Finch
Mourning Dove
W. Wood-pewee
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Gambel's Quail
Anna's Hummingbird
Say's Phoebe
Scrub Jay
Bewick's Wren
Orange-cr Warbler
Summer Tanager
California Towhee
Lesser Goldfinch
White-br Nuthatch
Bell's Vireo*
Comm Yellowthroat
Virginia Rail*
Rufous H'bird
Vrm Flycatcher
Mtn Chickadee
Cal Thrasher
McGillivray's Warbler
W. Tanager
Song Sparrow
House Sparrow
Hooded Oriole
* Heard Only
Dee and Betty are on vacation in Washington State. Mike Smiley had successful knee surgery yesterday; Betty tells me he is 'grumpy'. MrsM, banding at Motte, is on cloud nine after netting a pair of Calliope Hummingbirds.
Patrick Casey has developed a Bird Specie List for the Preserve web-site, similar to the one in the kiosk, which will highlight birds recently seen. This attractive module is presently being tested and will be released shortly.

Don't forget Big Bear on Monday 30th August. Car-pool from Big Morongo at 7.30am and for those who choose to go direct to Big Bear, meet at the Discovery Centre on North Shore Drive (HWY 38) at about 9am. Bring water and a picnic and expect to be back by around

Barry Parkes

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

AV04/28 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 18th August 2004

Eight birders including Sharon, new from Redondo Beach, had a fine morning in comparatively cool weather. We found 38 species including Lazuli Bunting, Ash Throated and Willow Flycatchers, a Kestrel and a pair of Warbling Vireos. The Vermillion were noteworthy for looking rather ragged, and the colouring is moving more towards Salmon than Vermillion. We also found a Summer Tanager, after thinking that perhaps they had left us, and a four-point buck in velvet!

All in all a rich haul and well worth our early start.

We continue the Wednesday walks at 7am, and have booked Big Bear for Monday 30th August, leaving Big Morongo at 7.30am, but more later.

Thanks to Tom for rejuvenating my machine and making this report possible.


Barry Parkes

Monday, August 16, 2004

AV04/27 Top of the Tram 16th August 2004

It was a terribly select group which took the 10am tram in weather which was fine but almost chilly - at noon the temperature was 62 degrees!

We were not deterred by Ken Church's warnings of recent Diamondback findings, or the monumental excavations in Long Valley - a new pipe line appears to be in progress with backhoes, Bobcats and lots of noise. The specie list was pretty thin but we did have all three Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadees and a Wrentit. Woodpeckers were remarkable by their absence and for some reason we saw no Juncos. There was virtually no water to be seen (I was at Hidden Lake yesterday and that is quite dry) and the 'water hole' opposite the picnic site is quite dry. Nevertheless, all agreed that it was a very pleasant way to spend the morning, and cool at that!

As you know an outing to Big Bear is planned for Monday August 30th, leaving Big Morongo at 7.30am. If I am made aware of sufficient interest I will confirm the arrangements later.


Barry Parkes

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

AV04/26 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 11th August 2004

Eight birders, including Catlady on a welcome, if brief return to the desert had a good morning starting at 7am with a comfortable 75 degrees

We worked through the meadow and park as far as the ball park, which is still very quiet. A fine haul of 38 species impressed us all but a Great Blue Heron? We saw one flying North from the Barn and shortly afterwards a Lazuli Bunting and an Oak Titmouse. Regrettably no Blue Grosebeak which Catlady was hoping to see, and no Chats. We only went as far as the Nature Centre and discussed the Butterfly Garden which has been marked out with chalk.

Dates to Note
Monday 16th August. Top of the Tram, meet at lower tram 9.45am; water and picnic.
Monday 30th August. Big Bear, Car-pool from Big Morongo at 7.30am; water and picnic.
It would be very helpful if I were advised if you hope to join these outings, particularly in the Summer when so many of our folks flee to milder weather, and our numbers are slim.


Barry Parkes

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

AV04/25 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 4th August 2004

A mild morning and a 7am start made for a pleasant walk over the meadow and through the park. The Blue Grosebeak and Brown Crested Flycatcher are very much in evidence but the Ash Throated appear to have moved on. We saw the first Warbling Vireo in the park and are presently seeing Roufus, Anna's, Costa's and Black Chinned Hummingbirds at the feeders.

The Marsh trail was very quiet and the water levels are really quite low. We did not hear any Yellow Breasted Chats but did hear the Virginia Rail. From the trail in front of the Nature Centre we saw a six-point deer heading towards the barn

Monday 16th August 2004 We plan to re-visit the Top of the Tram for a one and a half mile walk for birding and picnic. Meet at the tram at 9.45am for the 10am tram.

Monday 30th August 2004 We plan to visit Big Bear Lake for birding and picnic lunch. Car-pool from Big Morongo at 7.30am and probably return mid afternoon.

As always, email or call me with queries and suggestions at 328 6750.

Barry Parkes
On the web at

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

AV04/24 Oak Glen Preserve 3rd August 2004

At 8.30am, Oak Glen at 62 degrees is hard to beat, as two more birders will attest!

Sunny, clear, and fresh - and you don't get that in the CV, although you may in the Hi-Desert, - we started through the California woods at a leisurely pace and found twenty birds. This could have been many more had there been the hot-shot birders we usually have; Dee, Margaret, Mr Smiley and MrsM were absent.

Red Wing Blackbird, American Robin, Gambel's Quail,
House Finch, Mountain Chickadee, American Coot,
Great Tailed Grackle, Black Phoebe, Acorn Woodpecker,
Spotted Towhee, Western Tanager, Mourning Dove,
Scrub Jay, Nuttall's Woodpecker, Black Headed Grosebeak,
Western Wood Pewee, Red Tail Hawk, Lark Sparrow,
Western BlueBird, Lesser Goldfinch,
..................and a turtle about 18 inches long.

A remarkable first year male Grosebeak, and a pair of very young Coot chicks with red bills and quite vivid yellow and rust plumage around the head and shoulders made our morning. Wonderful views of soaring Red-Tails.

We were alone on the trail, had a wonderful morning, and stroked the apples. Your scribe, celebrating a significant event, tried to prevent the sweetest, luscious, wild blackberries dying on the stem; he did not win, but went down fighting.

The schedule, with a soft 'sch', is clear but stand by.

You may notice that this comes from a new address. Both new and old are operative but I thought it appropriate that Big Morongo Birders had their own home. Good

Barry Parkes
Find us at