Thursday, April 29, 2004

AR04/08 Oak Glen Preserve 29APR04

After I handed over the driving reigns to Midge, my car being sick, seven very hardy Morongans arrived at Oak Glen Preserve at 8am to thick mist and a temperature of 45 degrees. We thought positive, admired the very different scenery, and proceeded at a very leisurely pace.

Stellar's Jay Spotted Towhee American Robin Scub Jay
Starling Mourning Dove N Mockingbird Red Wing Blackbird
Acorn Woodpecker American Coot Great Tailed Grackle Song Sparrow
Bullock's Oriole American Crow Black Phoebe Nuttall's Woodpecker
Rock Dove Common Raven Western Bluebird Black Headed Grosbeak
Bushtit Red Tail Hawk Western Tanager Red Shafted Flicker
House Finch
Dee claimed a pair of Mountain Quail but I believe he was only demonstrating Morongan imagination

At the small pond we were impressed with many RW Blackbirds and Grackles at very close quarters, busy nest-building.

The trees and bushes were striking and quite different from any other birding areas we have visited - very rich and lush with a range of vivid greens. A copse of Giant Sequoia most impressive. There was a fine display of several Yucca Whipplei and lots of Miner's Lettuce. Dee and Phyllis plan on research to clarify some of the flowers we saw.

We walked around two miles and thoroughly enjoyed it, repaired to the picnic tables for a gourmet repast (very varied) and after a brief visit to Apple Valley (Phyllis had to have the pie), we reached Palm Springs around 1.30pm. Oak Glen Preserve is well worth a return visit; many thanks

Barry Parkes

Saturday, April 17, 2004

AR04/07 Motte Rimrock Reserve 22APR04

Nine Big Morongans rose very early to arrive at Motte Rimrock by 7.30am - but were so sorry Midge was not with them.

We had a wonderful, and very full day, thanks to the efforts of Barbara, Ruth and Joseph who each gave us a great deal of their time. The day was cool and very blustery, keeping down the bird count - except for the Ravens which abounded. We saw a number of nests including working Hummingbird, Cooper's Hawk and Red-tail Hawk.

Great Egret Turkey Vulture Coopers Hawk Red-Tailed Hawk
American Kestrel California Quail Rock Dove Mourning Dove
Vaux's Swift Anna's Hummingbird Costa's Hummingbird Black-chinned Hummingbird
Say's Phoebe Western Scrub Jay Common Raven N Rough-winged Swallow
Bushtit Canyon Wren California Gnatcatcher California Thrasher
California Towhee Spotted Towhee Sage Sparrow Western Meadowlark
Hooded Oriole Lesser Goldfinch House Sparrow Greater Roadrunner

Granite Spiny Lizard, Coast Horned Lizard Cotton Tails Jack Rabbits
and a Coyote, watching us carefully from atop a ridge.

Joseph took us to see a number of interesting Pictographs, the final one of which was remarkable for it's complexity, preservation and graphic image.

Throughout the day we were treated to a very fine display of wildflowers, with a great deal of Mustard, Monkey flowers in both yellow and red, and Valley Cholla which was new to many of us.

After a late lunch and a fine presentation from Barbara on the history and work of the Preserve, the high-light of the day was saved for our leaving, when we had a clear view of a very large Red-tailed Hawk nest with three young chicks showing their heads and looking around - quite remarkable!

Again, many thanks to Barbara and her team for arranging a great

Barry Parkes