Thursday, August 23, 2007

BMB07/09 Bear Paw Ranch Monday 20th August 2007

When eight Big Morongo Birders went to Bear Paw it was not through downtown Yucaipa; Marguerite led us through Cherry Valley, Los Rios (Oak Glen) and Apple Valley via the ranger station on HWY38 on the most scenic route. Many thanks!

We had a fine morning, perhaps not as cool as we hoped but very pleasant. We quickly discovered that the best birding was around the feeders adjacent to the Ranger’s House and after covering the rest of the Preserve; that is where we had lunch and birded from a seat in the shade! We saw very many Acorn Woodpeckers and Mountain Chickadees.

W Scrub Jay

Band Tailed Pigeon

Dark Eyed Junco

Acorn Woodpecker

American Robin

Mountain Chickadee

White Breasted Nuthatch

Anna’s Hummingbird

Stellar’s Jay

Oak Titmouse

Rufous Hummingbird

California Quail

Black-headed Grosbeak

Western Bluebird

Lesser Goldfinch

Red-shafted Flicker

Western Tanager

California Towhee

Red-tailed Hawk


Barbara Lyons told us she has four Bald Eagles roosting in one of her Douglas Firs and ‘the Kingfisher’s babies have fledged so the parents are giving their kids flying lessons by racing around the front yard’.

Upcoming Events

Sunday 26th August - Salton Sea. Not for the faint hearted, we meet at Wister at 5.30am for a day with SBV Audubon. We already have seven takers from Big Morongo including Dee & Betty and your scribe; it’s not too late to join!

Friday 31st August - Big Bear. Meet at BMCP at 7am, Big Bear Discovery Centre about 8.30am. Bring picnic and water.

If you intend meeting at the trail head, as it were, please let your scribe know beforehand, otherwise you could be

Friday, August 10, 2007

BMB07/08 Oak Glen 10AUG07

We had quite a day at Oak Glen; glorious weather, temperature 68º, ripe blackberries (we left a few) and 27 species. A pretty hard act to follow.


California Quail

American Coot

Band-tailed Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Acorn Woodpecker

Downey Woodpecker

Nuttall’s Woodpecker

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Red-tailed Hawk

Black Phoebe

Ash-throated Flycatcher

Stellar’s Jay

Scrub Jay

Common Raven

Bewick’s Wren

Western Bluebird


Western Tanager

Black-headed Grosbeak

Spotted Towhee

Song Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Purple Finch

House Finch

Lesser Goldfinch

Western Wood – pewee

Stand by for more interesting outings – let me know if you plan to be

Monday 20th August - Bear Paw Ranch. Meet 7.30am at Denny's. Bring picnic and water.

Sunday 26th August - Salton Sea. Not for the faint hearted, we meet at Wister at 5.30am for a day with SBV Audubon. We already have takers including Dee & Betty and your scribe - call bb if you are interested.

Friday 31st August - Big Bear. Meet BMCP at 7am, Big Bear Discovery Centre about 8.30am. Bring picnic and water.

If you intend meeting at the trail head, as it were, please let your scribe know beforehand, otherwise you could be

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

BMB07/07 Big Morongo Update 01AUG07

Margaret completed her July statistical review, and we saw 57 species, the most for four years. Nothing remarkable, but we are seeing returning migrants and in the last few days a pair of Lazuli Buntings has been seen. We really did not need the Brown-crested which came to the feeders for breakfast, the first time for two or three years. For the last ten days or so we have been seeing Mom raccoon and eight offspring - believe me!! Donna provided the pictures which I hope will be attached.
Attendance at our walks is quite low, with a preponderance of docents and very few visitors, but for a couple of hours from 7am the Preserve is really very pleasant - particularly so when we start with the Marsh trail; sorry so many of you are missing this!
The fence along Indian at the bottom of the Canyon trail is being resurrected and Posted notices threaten dire consequences for any kind of trespassing - you have been warned!
Activity Schedule Update
Friday 10th August -Oak Glen. Meet 7.30am at Denny's I10 and Indian,Palm Springs. Oak Glen a little after 8am, and we have clearance. Back by lunch time, bring water and a snack.
Monday 20th August - Bear Paw Ranch. Meet 7.30am at Denny's. Bring picnic and water.
Sunday 26th August - Salton Sea. Not for the faint hearted, we meet at Wister at 5.30am for a day with SBV Audubon. We already have takers including Dee & Betty and your scribe - call bb if you are interested.
Friday 31st August - Big Bear. Meet BMCP at 7am, Big Bear Discovery Centre about 8.30am. Bring picnic and water.
All queries and complaints to email or 760 333 2366, but we do hope you are all enjoying your
Barry Parkes
Rancho Mirage CA