Thursday, July 29, 2004

AV04/23 Malki Museum 29th July 2004

When Ernie Siva gave us a fascinating grounding in Indian history, culture and music last year, Jane and I said that we must visit the Malki Museum soon. Soon became today - Big Morongo is not a speedy place.

Nine Big Morongan Birders met at the museum (on the way to which we saw a pair of Golden Eagles) and spent some time in the gardens and the museum proper, which have an interesting collection of artifacts and plants, and have a greater involvement in publishing than some of us had previously appreciated. Debra provided us with background of the activities held at the museum periodically and a history of the forty plus years of the museum.

We left to seek the 'foothills North of Banning' and via the most circuitous route imaginable stopped to bird at the dead centre of Banning. It was a most pleasant spot but we did not see many birds; very many young quail families, an anonymous woodpecker and an anonymous hawk - at long distance!

After what I am told was a truly memorable taco lunch at Fields Road we returned to the museum to meet Roy Mathews, a tribal member, who had volunteered to take us to the canyons North of the Museum. This was quite something; loaded into Roy's SUV and Dorothy's 4WD, we went way north through cattle meadows towards the foothills of the National Forest and stopped to overlook a small lake, with wading cattle, beyond which were wide meadows then Eagle and Sycamore canyons. Lots of Western Kingbirds throughout the foothills and also Lark Sparrows and Nuttall's Woodpecker. We diverted to an area known for it's very old, and quite striking Black Walnut trees. Several of them have fallen down in part, but continued to grow from a horizontal position, with root systems out of the ground! When I remarked to Roy that it would be a young boy's paradise, he told me that he brought his children there.

It was a memorable day and we are indebted to Debra and Susan in the Museum, and Roy Mathews for our excursion to the interior. Many thanks indeed.

Reminder for Oak Glen; Tuesday August 3rd, Denny's Palm Springs at 7.30am, bring water and picnic but fairly early finish.


Barry Parkes

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

AV04/22 Big Morongo Canyon 28th July 2004

Eight of our birders left the feeders at 7am and with a temperature of 70 degrees - true!! - went first through the meadow to the park, then around the Marsh Trail.

Last week the Friends of Big Morongo Canyon Preserve were given a new Leica scope (with all the add-ons) by David and Sandra Junkin who, notwithstanding their home in Bliss, New York, are life members of Friends. We all very much appreciate their generous gift and this morning took it for it's first outing. We saw 38 species including a Lazuli Bunting but the first in the scope was a Blue Grosebeak in bright sunlight. The Grosebeak and many others posed for us which was fortunate; in the park was a very minor water leak which resulted in a wonderful display of Black Headed Grosebeaks, Bullock's and Hooded Orioles and many Western Tanagers. Vermillions were abundant, but too swift for this scope operator, and although we heard one (only) Yellow Breasted Chat we did not see it.

A very pleasant morning, and well worth continuing the Wednesday walks.

Tomorrow, Thursday 29th July we go to Malki Museum. Meet at Denny's Palm Springs at 8am or at Malki at 9am. Bring water and picnic snack. Tears for Mrs M and Wander Woman (last heard of in Chicago) who will miss it.

Note also Oak Glen Preserve on Tuesday August 3rd. Meet at Denny's Palm Springs at 7.30am with water and picnic snack.


Barry Parkes

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

AV04/21 Big Morongo Canyon 21st July 2004

In fine weather nine birders, including two youngsters being entertained by Granny, saw 31 species including good views of Kingbirds and Brown-crested Flycatchers over only the Marsh Trail. Bell's Vireo was still singing merrily - surely an in indication that they nested this year.

Our (Friends of Big Morongo) donated scope arrived today and Dee is already practicing counting whiskers on Mule Deer and pebbles at the top of the driveway - he is very pleased with it, and we look forward to sharing with him.

Malki Museum on 29th July. Meet at Denny's Palm Springs, I10 and Indian at 8.15am to be at Malki Museum for 9am. Take the Fields Road exit from I10 and go North; the museum is two or three miles on the left. We plan to tour the museum, then explore the foothills North of Banning for new birding opportunities and have an early lunch. We return to the museum for 12 noon when a resident tribal member, who was previously a ranger in the Palm Springs Indian Canyons, will take us to the canyons to the North. It promises to be an interesting day!


Barry Parkes

Monday, July 19, 2004

AV04/20 Barker Dam 19th July 2004

Cool weather doesn't last for ever, but this morning was very pleasant.

Barker Dam had plenty of water, but hardly an abundance of species - we saw about 15 including a Loggerhead Shrike and a Turkey Vulture, neither of which we have seen much of in recent times. We saw very many young Black-throated Sparrows and Mourning Doves. Hawk-eye Dianne spotted a young male Big Horn Sheep lounging in the shade of a rock, short of the water; it was rather like Bambi with horns and straight from Central Casting. Possibly a left-over from when Disney painted the petrogliphs. A few minutes later Dianne found another sheep, this time a mature male with very handsome horns and a similar pose; not bad for a Morongo beginner!

Kay and Jane had what sounds like a super trip to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, notwithstanding weather which sounded a little extreme simply to avoid the Coachella Valley warmth. We are told of Gannet colonies and Atlantic Puffins - and Jane had healthy additions to her Life List. Sharon was in the Rocky Mountains and enjoyed seeing a White Tailed Ptarmigan with five 'adorable little chicks'.

We are still on schedule for Malki Museum on 29th July and are giving further thought to 'after the museum' activities following a recent visit by our Mr Smiley; we will advise you further.
Don't forget also, Oak Glen on Tuesday, 3rd August.

Comments and suggestions are welcome. Email or call 760 328 6750, cell 760 333 2366

Barry Parkes

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

AV04/19 Big Morongo Canyon 14th July 2004

Would you believe this was a cool day - not Joe Cool type cool, but 77 degrees type cool!!
Seven of us, half hoping to shut out Phyllis, who had better things to do, spent three hours over Marsh, Mesquite, Canyon and Mesquite trails, then Meadow and Park. We saw 28 species, including Bell's Vireo, several Blue Grosebeak and a banded, eight-year-old Summer Tanager. Some of us have given up on the Yellow Billed Cuckoo, leaving only Mark Chappell and his tipster (plus of course, Mark's pictures). Water levels throughout the preserve are well down and some 'streams' now have no visible water, as in part of Mesquite below the motor car, but all in all a very pleasant morning.

Reminders for future dates
Monday 19th July for Barker Dam (in Joshua Tree). Meet at 7.30am at Big Morongo for car-pooling. We go via Park Centre to collect Margaret and perhaps others around 8am for a short bird walk, less than two miles. Lorraine and your scribe were there yesterday and there is still water and bird life - it's a very pleasant walk. Bring water, snack and we'll be back before lunch.
Thursday 29th July for Malki Museum(in Cabazon), car pooling at Denny's Palm Springs, Indian and I10 at 8.15 to be at Malki Museum for 9am (where Lois and Monte may join us). If you have not already done so, please let me know if you intend to come along. Bring water and picnic lunch or snack. We are still working on activity beyond the museum.
Tuesday August 3rd for Oak Glen Preserve (near Apple Valley/Beaumont). Car Pool at Denny's Palm Springs, Indian and I10 at 7.30am. Bring water and picnic or snack; we will return early afternoon.

No social news except to welcome Midge and Sig after lengthy absences.

Call me with queries, 328 6750 or 333 2366. Good

Barry Parkes

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

AV04/18 Big Morongo Canyon 7th July 2004

Our first 7am start saw eleven birders, including two from Northern California, head towards the Mesquite and Canyon trails. On Sunday Mark Chappell saw a Yellow Billed Cuckoo and apparently reported it to the rare bird alert - which explained our visitors. The Cuckoo was seen in the Cottonwood with the Cooper's nest on the Canyon trail. Mark provided me with most impressive pictures of both the Cuckoo and a Cooper's Hawk.

Alas, we were not to see the Cuckoo but we noted a significant increase in bird chatter compared with the 8am start, and saw 37 species including Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher, Oak Titmouse and Blue Grosebeak. Some of our party saw a Bobcat with two kittens on the Marsh trail (your scribe missed them).

Linda Charest rescued two baby Snipe from a busy highway; they had been run over and blown around by three cars, but the wheels missed! Bill Simpkins found his Condor in Grand Canyon!

Our Mr Smiley will discuss with the Malki Museum people how best to fill out our day. We hope to include birding in addition to the Museum and a picnic lunch. If you plan to join us will you please let me know, so that we can give the museum an indication of our likely numbers.

Dates to remember; Monday July 19th, Barker Dam and Thursday July 29th Malki Museum.


Barry Parkes

Saturday, July 03, 2004

AV04/17 July Excursions - Barker Dam and Malki Museum, Cabazon

Monday 19th July, Barker Dam. We are told there is water in the dam, and intend to meet at 7.30am for car-pooling at Big Morongo. Back in time for lunch, but don't forget water(and nuts and power-bars if they are your thing).

Thursday 29th July, Malki Museum. Meet for car-pooling at Denny's Palm Springs, Indian and I10 at 8.15am. This should be an interesting day and we hope to include some birding - details later.

Following this circular our distribution list will be slimmed down to those who normally bird with us (from time to time) leaving others to view the web site at their discretion
Note that the web site is always updated before emails are dispatched. If you find that you no longer receive our emails but would prefer to do so, please let me know.

In Morongo and environs we have recently been experiencing very fine weather - MrsM, in Yucca, boasts of not needing to use her cooler - and the warmer weather appears to have shifted to Spokane, where Mark is having some sparkling birding and is frustrated because he can't share it with us. Denny and Sharon in Waterton National Park Alberta, joined for part of their stay by the Charests, sent a specie list which was quite wonderful; perhaps best described as a combination of Linda (York) and Dee with a few extras thrown in.

More information on Malki Museum will follow. Please let me have suggestions for future outings; we would like to return to Oak Glen and Top of the Tram but we need input!
