Saturday, September 01, 2007

BMB07/10 Big Bear Friday 30th August 2007

We were a fortunate six Big Morongo Birders, who found Big Bear a cool 80 or thereabouts, and very much enjoyed the Discovery centre and Woodland Trail - OK, part of it! We checked out Discovery Road and the Lake - lucky we had scopes to see the distant water, and found Pelicans, Coots and Cormorants. Carried on to Mill Creek for lunch, dodging raindrops, following which we called at Moonridge to see Wild Wings. On our return we saw thunderstorms, lots of lightning, and almost saw the Pileated Woodpecker that Wild Wings reported, so don't bother to call the Rare Bird Alert. Margaret prepared this list of what we really saw, for which our thanks.
Discovery Center, Woodland Trail, Division Road, Aspen Glen

Scrub Jay Pygmy Nuthatch Mountain Chickadee
Northern Flicker Dark-eyed Junco Band-tailed Pigeon
Purple Finch Cassin's Finch Steller's Jay
Western Bluebird Wilson's Warbler Townsend's Warbler
Mourning Dove House Sparrow Rufous Hummingbird
American Robin House Finch Acorn Woodpecker
Northern Shoveler American Coot Caspian Tern
White Pelican Double-crested Cormorant Pied-billed Grebe
Brewer's Blackbird Red-shouldered Hawk Lesser Goldfinch

Total species seen = 32.

Salton Sea 26th August. We joined SBVA for their Summer Salton Sea excursion and had a most enjoyable day. 19 birders (seven from Big Morongo) started at Wister at 5.30am: just think about that! After a very full morning - and a late lunch - we missed the Wood Stork, which had clearly fled from the day before, but we did see several Ruffs and had a wonderfull view of a Ruddy Egret. We all appreciated the support and help that John Green provided.

Early Warning!!
Friday 12th October 2007 Bear Paw Ranch in cooler weather. Meet at Denny's, Palm Springs, Indian and I10 for car pooling at 7.30am, bring picnic and water.


Barry Parkes