Thursday, May 20, 2010


In the summer of 2003 Jane Mootz and Barry Parkes began arranging outings directed towards fellow birders from Big Morongo Canyon Preserve, in Southern California. Since then our circulation list has expanded somewhat but it remains very small and largely restricted to true Big Morongo Birders. A considerable number are part-time seasonal residents from the Pacific North-West, Midwest, and Canada.
Our interests are diverse - many are docents at Big Morongo - and Spring 2004 saw a number of wild-flower oriented walks which were well received. In addition, through the assistance of Dee Zeller, the Host of Big Morongo Canyon Preserve, and others, we have been able to arrange access to areas which are normally closed to the public. We expect to continue to develop this programme and include plants and flowers, in addition to birds; we have an interest in Indian history and culture and this may well feature in future excursions.
Very many thanks to Patrick Casey for his help - and patience - in making this site more presentable than it otherwise would be.
Comments and suggestions are welcome, and in particular suggestions for future