Monday, February 28, 2005

BMB05/10 Anza Borrego Hawk Watch Monday 14th March 2005

For the past two years birders in Anza Borrego have been monitoring very substantial migration of Swainson’s Hawks, and we are told that this year they are earlier than they have been previously. On 20th February they had 221 Swainson’s and 75 Turkey Vultures.

We plan to visit on Monday 14th March to assist in the census and expect that we will also have an interest in wild flowers. Meet for car pool at Big Morongo 6.30am, T/A Truck Stop (Burns Bros) at 7am. Bring water and a snack, but we will probably be back by late lunchtime.

Call me with any queries 760 328 6750, cell 760 333 2366.

Good Birding - would you believe MrsM will miss it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

BMB05/09 Wildflowers at Indio Hills

Indio Hills Monday February 21st 2005

With so many flowers showing already, and even at higher elevations, we thought a look at Indio Hills sooner rather than later would be a good idea. Given the uncertainty with weather, in the event that the unsurfaced roads are treacherous we plan to look at Box Canyon. No real feel for the length of this first outing of the season, and suggest you bring lunch or a snack, and water.

Car-pool at Big Morongo 7am, T/A Truckstop (Burns Bros) at 8am. It would be helpful if you let me know if you plan to join us.

We had a good walk this morning at Big Morongo, 24 BMBs finding 37 species including rather more raptors than we usually see. We split the party, one group covered the Marsh trail hoping to see the Long-eared Owl (no luck) and the other taking the Mesquite loop to the park, where work continues on cutting back and clearing undergrowth. There is no telling where this will stop, but it is changing the character of the park in a way which will not help wildlife.

Desert Cities Bird Club expect their new web site to be up next week and their address will be


Barry Parkes

Saturday, February 12, 2005

BMB05/08 UCR Botanical Gardens 11th February 2005

Having asked MrsM some time ago to lead the UCR excursion, I was smug yesterday, given the dreadful weather in the high and low deserts, thinking “I can’t have missed much anyway”. How wrong! MrsM told me at length that four hardy BigMorongBirders had a fine day, notwithstanding some rain, though not heavy early in the day, and were re-introduced to the delights of birding from the SmileyMobile. In all they had 47 species at the Botanical Gardens, Fairmont Park, and en route to both in true Smiley fashion. The specie list included an interesting array of water birds, and if you would like a complete list please contact

Clearly a great success that will be repeated.

This morning nine BMBs spent a very pleasant two and half hours finding 31 species including a fine Scott’s Oriole, Pine Siskin and Vermillion, but no Barney or Sapsuckers.

The Town of Morongo Valley saw fit to bring to Covington Park a CDF team to take care of tree felling and clearing of undergrowth. This appears to have been indiscriminate and much of the nesting infrastructure has been destroyed. As an example, the copse below the three Palms (where Barney was) has lost more than fifty trees including all the trees with hollows in them, and only time will tell what damage this has done to our breeding and visiting programme. There was no prior consultation and no obvious concern for wildlife.

I leave you on this sad note, except to mention that Linda Charest is monitoring a Hummingbird nest in a grapefruit basket on the front steps of their place in Seniorsville. As of now, one egg of two has hatched. The eggs were laid two days apart and not incubated until the third day; Linda continues to monitor.

Good Birding…….bb