Monday, February 13, 2006

BMB06/06 San Bernardino County Museum 13th February 2006

When 31 BMBs arrived at the Museum on what amounted to a very early summer day, they did not all expect the very full day that Gene Cardiff had prepared for them. A talk through the Museum, with a very great emphasis on birds, surprised the many first-time visitors who, as is usual, had insufficient time to study the wonderful displays – it certainly takes more than one visit. Lunch was taken ‘on the run’ by the river, where it was really quite warm and, among others we saw several Red-tailed Hawks – spring was in the air, a Great-horned Owl on the nest and a Burrowing Owl.

After our walk, we repaired to the basement library where Gene had prepared trays with about 250 skins from their very extensive stock, some of which were a hundred years old. He described his routine for working with skins, took us through a number of examples of closely aligned species and sub-species, and discussed both up-coming changes to the species list, and changes that in his view should be made. He concluded with his well practiced presentation on Coopers Hawks versus Sharp-shinned, always stimulating and a pleasure to all who were there.

We very much appreciate the time and effort that Gene gave us and hope that we can again persuade him to receive us in the future.

Good Birding………

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

BMB06/05 Big Morongo Update 8th February 2006

We had an interesting walk this morning in mild but blustery weather. A specie list of 41 was impressive and included our long term resident Grey Flycatcher, Cassin's Vireo, Vermilion Flycatcher, first seen on February 1st and a female Bullock's Oriole.

The Marsh Trail is now open, and a very fine job our volunteers and CDF crews have done. All the new decking is Trex, which is longer lived than timber and will be used for future trail maintenance. Three bridges remain to be built to permit the opening of the Mesquite and Yucca Ridge Trails, and this should not take very long once the CDF crews are again available to us - at present they are busy fighting fires.

San Bernardino County Museum Monday 13th February 2006

Meet at Denny's, Indian and I10 at 9am for car pooling, to be at the museum for 10am. Bring water and a picnic lunch.

The museum, which is totally devoted to birds, is closed to the public on Monday and Gene Cardiff has agreed to give us a tour of the museum which will be followed by a picnic and a bird walk by the river. It will be a full day.

Our last visit two years ago was very well received, and those unfamiliar with the museum may wish to look at our last visit

Normal admission arrangements will not be in place as the Museum is closed to the public, but a donation would be appropriate.

Any queries, email or call me at 760 328 6750, cell 760 333 2366.


Barry Parkes

Saturday, February 04, 2006

BMB06/04 Oak Glen 4th February 2006

We were most fortunate; 16 Big Morongo Birders in perfect Southern California weather, temperature 50º, sunny and not a cloud in the sky. As a bonus, all save my namesake were making a first time visit to Oak Glen and were suitably impressed. Capn Sandy was a fine scribe and recorded 35 species, although we had problems with a hawk – we met a Ranger but she was unable to help.

Western Bluebird
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow

Lark Sparrow
House Finch
Red-shafted Flicker

Acorn Woodpecker
Stellar's Jay
Scrub Jay

Lesser Goldfinch
Mourning Dove
Dark-eyed Junco

Gambel's Quail*
California Quail
Red-wing Blackbird

Brewer's Blackbird
American Kestrel
Red-tailed Hawk

Oak Titmouse
Band-tailed Pigeon
Mountain Chickadee

American Coot
Yellow-rumped Warbler
European Starling

Bewick's Wren
Ring-necked Duck

Spotted Towhee
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Black Phoebe

Loggerhead Shrike
White-breasted Nuthatch
Northern Mockingbird

American Robin
and a Ferruginous or Swainson's Hawk

Most went for the apple pie, though the store was surprisingly quiet, but your scribe had an appointment at the Yard House in Rancho Mirage where he had a surprise.

A gentleman in Palm Springs often gives sandwiches to homeless people there. This morning he put thirty of them in limousines and took them to lunch at the Yard House – quite a sight, and a suitable end to a most enjoyable morning.

San Bernardino County Museum Monday 13th February 2006

Meet at Denny's, Indian and I10 at 9am for car pooling, to be at the museum for 10am. Bring water and a picnic lunch.

The museum, which is totally devoted to birds, is closed to the public on Monday and Gene Cardiff has agreed to give us a tour of the museum which will be followed by a picnic and a bird walk by the river. It will be a full day.

Our last visit two years ago was very well received, and those unfamiliar with the museum may wish to look at our last visit

Normal admission arrangements will not be in place as the Museum is closed to the public, but a donation would be appropriate.

Any queries, email or call me at 760 328 6750, cell 760 333 2366.

If you would prefer to be removed from this distribution please email.

Apologies to Ron and Elli – there was no conspiracy!


Barry Parkes

Friday, February 03, 2006

BMB06/03 Big Morongo Re-Opened Trails

Saturday saw the re-opening of the Canyon Trail celebrated by forty hikers enjoying a fine hike in wonderful cool weather. The reopening of both the Canyon and West Fork Trails, plus part of the Mesquite, is good news indeed. Unfortunately, work on the Marsh Trail, so critical to the Preserve, has been delayed as the CDF crews have been diverted to their primary raison d'etre of fire-fighting, but we hope the delay will be minimal.

With birders diverted to hiking, Erica and your scribe found 24 species including the Northern Parula, on a lengthy and leisurely walk!

Our walk schedule has been extended;

Oak Glen Saturday 4th February 2006

Meet at Denny's, Indian and I10 at 730am, Hi-desert at Big Morongo at 7am, for car pooling. Bring water and perhaps a snack, but we will be back before lunch.

San Bernardino County Museum Monday 13th February 2006

Meet at Denny's, Indian and I10 at 9am for car pooling, to be at the museum for 10am. Bring water and a picnic lunch.
The museum is closed to the public on Monday and Gene Cardiff has agreed to give us a tour of the museum which will be followed by a picnic and a bird walk by the river. It will be a full day.
Our last visit two years ago was very well received, and those unfamiliar with the museum may wish to look at

Normal admission arrangements will not be in place as the Museum is closed to the public, but a donation would be appropriate.

Any queries, email or call me at 760 328 6750, cell 760 333 2366.
If you would prefer to be removed from this distribution please email.


Barry Parkes