BMB06/12 Pipe's Canyon 02JUN06
On Monday last Dee, at the request of BLM, took a small party to undertake a Bird Census at Box Canyon. It was a most interesting morning, notwithstanding it would have been more meaningful had it been undertaken a month earlier, and we found twenty species including a Willow Flycatcher which surprised some. Margaret produced a Specie List, with numbers, together with a list of plants which we encountered; Ironwood Trees were remarkable in their quantity and beauty – all were in full bloom. We are told that our eight hour exercise was much appreciated.
Friday 2nd June Pipe’s Canyon
Meet at BMCP parking lot at 7.30am for car pooling or 8am at Pipe’s Trail Head. We will not do more than about three miles but those who wish could go further. Bring water, but we will finish before lunch and then have the option of either Pappy and Harriet’s or the Roadhouse. We have had young Quail in the low desert for several weeks and they have already been seen in Joshua Tree – we are hoping to catch them in Pipe’s Canyon although the flowers are unlikely to impress. Having said that, the Mallow around the junction of Mesquite and Yucca Ridge is only now breaking open!
Good Birding…………bb