BMB07/09 Bear Paw Ranch Monday 20th August 2007
When eight Big Morongo Birders went to Bear Paw it was not through downtown Yucaipa; Marguerite led us through
We had a fine morning, perhaps not as cool as we hoped but very pleasant. We quickly discovered that the best birding was around the feeders adjacent to the Ranger’s House and after covering the rest of the Preserve; that is where we had lunch and birded from a seat in the shade! We saw very many Acorn Woodpeckers and Mountain Chickadees.
W Scrub Jay | Band Tailed Pigeon | Dark Eyed Junco |
Acorn Woodpecker | American Robin | Mountain Chickadee |
White Breasted Nuthatch | Anna’s Hummingbird | Stellar’s Jay |
Oak Titmouse | Rufous Hummingbird | California Quail |
Black-headed Grosbeak | Western Bluebird | Lesser Goldfinch |
Red-shafted Flicker | Western Tanager | |
Red-tailed Hawk | Wrentit | |
Barbara Lyons told us she has four Bald Eagles roosting in one of her Douglas Firs and ‘the Kingfisher’s babies have fledged so the parents are giving their kids flying lessons by racing around the front yard’.
Upcoming Events
Sunday 26th August -
Friday 31st August - Big Bear. Meet at BMCP at 7am, Big Bear Discovery Centre about 8.30am. Bring picnic and water.
If you intend meeting at the trail head, as it were, please let your scribe know beforehand, otherwise you could be