Thursday, January 17, 2008

BMB 03/08 Salton Sea 14th January 2008

Wednesday was rather unfriendly birding weather at the preserve – too much for your scribe – but the hard core, and you know who they are, found 31 species by virtue of not inconsiderable effort. Cold with wind surely can’t last for ever!

Monday at the Salton sea was a very different affair; fine weather, a group of 19 BMBs and not too many cars. All in all I am told, a fine birding day, and here is Margaret’s count:

Salton Sea

January 14, 2008

Turkey Vulture


White-tailed Kite

White Pelicans

Eurasian Collared Dove

Northern Harrier

Red-winged Blackbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

Snow Geese

Great-tailed Grackle


American Coot

White-faced Ibis

American Kestrel

Yellow-rumped Warbler


Double-crested Cormorant

Red-tailed Hawk

Northern Shoveler

Marsh Wren

Black Phoebe

Dark-eyed Junco

Vermilion Flycatcher

American Avocet


Say's Phoebe

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Loggerhead Shrike

Peregrine Falcon

Black-necked Stilt


Least Sandpiper

Marbled Godwit

Savannah Sparrow

Western Meadowlark

Green-winged Teal

Ring-billed Gull

Greater Yellowlegs

Eared Grebe

Great Blue Heron

Ruddy Duck

House Sparrow

Abert's Towhee

Gambel's Quail

Long-billed Curlew

Horned Lark

American Pipit


Burrowing Owl

Belted Kingfisher

Brewer's Blackbird

Cattle Egret

Total number species = 53.

  • Diary Update
  • Monday January 28th San Jacinto Wildlife Area. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10.
  • Monday February 25th Joshua Tree. Meet for car pooling at 7am Denny’s Palm Springs, Indian &I10 – 7.30 at Yucca Park & Ride, Kickapoo and 62 – 8am at Blackrock Visitor Centre, five miles south of HWY62/247 Junction. Time at Kickapoo and Blackrock approximate. The plan is to bird at Blackrock, Oasis of Mara, Luckie Park (home of the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, but don’t hold your breath) and perhaps more. We will conclude our walk with lunch at 29 Palms Inn where, as many of you know, Bear is Executive Chef. Given the lunch arrangements will you please email me if you plan to attend?
  • Saturday March 1st Oak Glen. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10

As always any queries call Dee at 363 7190 or your scribe at 328

Saturday, January 05, 2008

BMB08/02 Schedule Update

  • In the midst of several storms and generally inclement weather in the Coachella and Morongo Valleys, similar and deteriorating weather in San Jacinto, and following consultation with Dee, we have concluded that the San Jacinto Wildlife Area is already a quagmire. In consequence the walk at San Jacinto scheduled for Monday January 7th will not now take place and has been re-scheduled.
    • Diary Update
    • Monday January 14th Salton Sea. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Costco Palm Desert at Monterey.
    • Monday January 28th San Jacinto Wildlife Area. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10.
    • Saturday March 1st Oak Glen. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10
    As always any queries call Dee at 363 7190 or your scribe at 328 6750.

    Wednesday, January 02, 2008

    BMB 08/01 2007 CBC and Update.

    We had a fine Christmas Bird Count last month in very pleasant if cool weather. We had a small increase in the specie count but a drop of around 25% in the bird count. Thanks to Margaret, David and Betty for a job well done; all we need now is a solution to the time consuming confusion over the sign in routine.
    This morning was very pleasant - sunny and cold (46) but fine with no wind. We had 41 species which is a substantial improvement on recent walks.
    Diary Update
    • Monday January 7th San Jacinto Wildlife Area. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10.
    • Monday January 14th Salton Sea. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Costco Palm Desert at Monterey.
    • Saturday February 2nd Oak Glen. Meet for car pooling at 7am BMCP, 730am Palm Springs Denny's at Indian and I10
    Please bring water, a snack or picnic and warm clothing; call Dee/Betty at 363 7190 for information. All will be full day outings except Oak Glen which should bring you back to Denny's by late lunch time.
    Very best wishes to you all and good birding for 2008!
    Barry Parkes