BMB05/17 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 28th May 2005
This last Saturday walk of the birding year found wonderful weather, with a temperature of 59 at 7am. We were ten, but well supported by Ed and Cindi and Ellen and Wayne, and on a quiet morning found 28 species. We were fortunate to again see the youngest of the three sibling Long-eared Owls which we have seen on the Preserve for some time now. The Summer Tanagers were very much in evidence and we had good sightings of the Yellow-breasted Chat - courtesy of Ed and his scope - and the Blue Grosbeak.
Saturday walks will resume in October and the Wednesday walks will continue throughout the summer at 7am. The early start is well worth it and even in the height of summer the Marsh trail is very pleasant indeed - come and join us!
Barry Parkes
Saturday walks will resume in October and the Wednesday walks will continue throughout the summer at 7am. The early start is well worth it and even in the height of summer the Marsh trail is very pleasant indeed - come and join us!
Barry Parkes