Thursday, September 23, 2004

AV04/34 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 22nd September 2004

What a successful morning for our nine birders; Mike and Steffie were back from their pelagic trip to Monterey, had a fine time, and the weather at Big Morongo was wonderful. You folks in the frozen North might like to reconsider your positions!

We had 35 species, but of note were the first of the White-crowns (and Lincoln's and Chipping), the first solitary Red-shafted Flicker and would you believe a very good sighting of a Black-&-white Warbler. We had a Swainson's Thrush (and a dead one in the park) and a number of Western Wood Pewees, one of which spent several minutes on the same tree stump, giving us the opportunity to give it a thorough examination through the scope. The Vermillions appear to be gone, as are the Orioles, but the Tanagers and Black-headed Grosbeaks are still around.

All in all a fine morning.

We intend visiting Malki Museum on Tuesday 5th October, meeting at Denny's Palm Springs at 9.30am. This will be a short outing for those who missed it first time around, and we intend to lunch at the Taco Stand at the junction of Fields Road and I10.

Don't Forget Lake Hemet and Idyllwild on Thursday 30th September, car pool at Big Morongo at 7am, St Margaret's Palm Desert at 7.30am, and expect to meet at Lake Hemet around 8.15. Dianne Franco and Sig will meet us at Lake Hemmet. Dianne has experience of finding the Eagles and we never turn down experience. Dianne has also offered the deck of her cabin in Idyllwild, where we can have our picnic lunch with lots of feeders, birds and seating. Sounds like a good, and full, day.


Barry Parkes

Thursday, September 16, 2004

AV04/33 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 15th September 2004

Eight Summer birders, including the welcome return of Bonnie and Wander Woman after extended absences, had a very pleasant and successful walk in weather which is becoming regularly pleasant and cool. I am told that the heat is behind us, but then I hear that every year (and then the over-seeding is burned off!!)

We saw thirty three species, including a repeat of the Red-eyed Vireo, Cedar Waxwing, Oak Titmouse, Loggerhead Shrike and agreed that it was a remarkable performance given the absence of Eagle-eye Smiley doing his Pelagic stuff in Monterey, and Margaret up in the Big City, but well backed up by MrsM.

Patrick Casey, the Webmaster of has released his latest enhancement of the preserve website. You can now see a reproduction of the 'Birds seen over the last week - or so' that appears in the kiosk, on the website. Birds seen appear in blue and you can see a 'last update', so you know if Dee is slacking. Well done Patrick!

We have an outing planned to Lake Hemet and Idyllwild
Thursday September 30th - all day. Car-pool at Big Morongo at 7am, and at St Margaret's in Palm Desert on Highway 74 at 7.30am. We expect to reach Lake Hemet around 8.15am and Sig and others may like to meet us there. Bring a picnic and water for a possibly lengthy day - we are looking for Eagles and whatever else we can find.

Queries to me below, or at 328 6750, cell 333 2366. Good

Barry Parkes

Thursday, September 09, 2004

AV04/32 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 8th September 2004

More of our mild weather led to a most pleasant walk; it's just the lack of sleep for those who don't live in Morongo Valley and it's environs that presents a problem. The initial challenge to our ten birders, including our Mr Smiley who is progressing very well thank you, was to find a Red-eyed Vireo which others had reported.

We found 45 Species, including the aforementioned Vireo, which may or may not be a short-time record, but it was sufficient to impress our party - and this without walking the Marsh Trail. Of note was a Calliope Hummingbird sighting at the feeders, also banded by Barbara's team several days earlier; Willow and Pacific-slope Flycatchers, and Red-Breasted Sapsuckers, were also seen after some considerable time. Chickadees at the feeders and White-breasted Nuthatches in the park, continue to be easily found, and a Black-throated Grey Warbler was a new find.

The Fall Newsletter has been distributed to it's usual wide acclaim, thanks to Donna Thomas, and if you did not receive one but would like to do so, contact or call me.

As always, please contact me with queries and suggestions by email or by telephone at 328 6750, cell 333 2366.

Barry Parkes

Thursday, September 02, 2004

AV04/31 Big Morongo Canyon Preserve 1st September 2004

Eleven birders, including Sharon and Dave back from Huntington Beach after a lengthy absence, spent a very fruitful three hours, after what might be called a 'fresh' start at 7am: the early mornings really are very pleasant. We started with the Marsh trail and were somewhat surprised to find a Yellow Breasted Chat - we have neither heard nor seen them for a couple of weeks. Marsh was good for warblers, and a noisy Summer Tanager, and crossing the meadow via the Barn was fruitful, including yet another sighting of the silent Ash Throated Flycatcher - I do hope we got that right!. The Park was bitty, but the walk up to the Ball Park was interesting and pushed up the count - but no Phaneopepla, yet again!

Unfortunately Angela and Ken, from Cumbria England, missed our walk on this their first visit to the Preserve and your scribe took them on a mini-walk to help them find Life Birds. We found half a dozen including a (silent) Chat, Ash-throated Flycatcher, flocks of Bushtits and of course our signature Vermilion Flycatcher.

Dee and Betty are back from the damp Pacific North West, refreshed and invigorated, and breathing new life into the Preserve.

No Outings planned, but if anyone would like to go to Wild-Wings Bird Walk on Saturday 11th September in Big Bear let me know: it will mean a 6.30am departure from Big Morongo.


Barry Parkes